Monday, 7 January 2013

...Tales from Thailand - Back to Bangkok.

So after a hectic week bouncing from island to island and loosing countless amounts of things, the latest being my comb and a pair of sandals (but I'm convinced that someone from the boat took one look at those grubby Birkenstocks and thought they just HAD to have them!) I finally arrived back at Bangkok and said a hearty how do you do to Khoa San road. This time round however there was no ping pong show (awwwww) and I have managed to keep hold of my bus and boat ticket for tomorrow AND I haven't lost any of my possessions or my dignity.

The boat and bus trip from Kho Tao to Bangkok wasn't that bad this time, apart from poor Kai being ill and feeling like her head was about to explode from all her diving, we managed to survive. We arrived 2 hours later then expected and the hostel we were meant to be staying in said it was too late to bring an extra bed to the room so that meant we were on a search round Bangkok for a bed for the night, with our giant backpackers - what fun! The first hostels were rocked up to had no space so I said to Kai we were just going to have to stay in the first hostel I stayed in the last time I was here and even though I vowed to never sleep there again these were dire circumstances. On our way to said hostel we decided to try our luck with one that was close to it called the Marcopolo Hostel, the lady was unwelcoming and said we could look at the room before we took it so we did and mateys let me tell you I wouldn't even let Ratbag sleep in that hostel, it was disgusting. We asked for the air con remote and she said money and passports first and then air con - I was not impressed, I picked up my stuff went downstairs and told her we will not be taking that room. Then it all kicked off. She accused Kai or having a shower and I told her how was that possible when 1. we don't have any towels and 2. your bloody shower doesn't even work! So she said she was going to call the police and I told her to go ahead. Then she said she was going to check the room and I told her to go ahead. She then told us that "THIS IS THAILAND", cheers mate for the update, totes forgot what country I was in. Daft bint. She eventually checked the room and then told us we could leave, after that experience I don't think I will be going back there anytime soon...We eventually made it to the first hostel and lay down our weary heads only to be shushed by the man in the room next to us cos we were being too loud but then again he was shushing everyone and eventually came out in his towel and banged on their door to tell them to shut up - what a delightful man!

The next day we meet up with Roni and Krissi and gave the usual welcome. In the evening we hit Khoa San road. Well I don't think I really need to elaborate about what happened after that. Lets just say 182 pictures, 3 buckets and one lost Nemo balloon later we were stumbling happy and drunk back to our collective hostels to sleep off the effects of dear Khoa San. I still don't think my liver has forgiven me and I made a promise to keep it safe from now on and I will try my best to adhere to my word. Remember, I did say try...

In the morning I said a sleepy goodbye to Kai and promised that I will see here in Beijing - I will keep to that promise. I don't like goodbyes. Saying goodbye to Thirza on Koh Tao was hard, I didn't want to leave her there, we had so much fun, made so many good memories, saying goodbye was just too much. This morning it was easier because I was half asleep and all I remember is telling Kai to stay and her leaving (waaaahhhhh!). I'm going to miss those two girls so much, I won't be able to look at a starfish the same way ever again because of them and for that I will always love them! Love you babieeeeesssssss. 

Today we did all the touristy things like visit China town and the extremely disorientating and ridiculously large shopping centre. After being in Cambodia for 3 and a half months I was not prepared to face such a massive western influence. It was too much, too much noise, too many people and way to many bright, shiny, tempting things which I had no money for. Give me cows, give me mud, give me lots of people on the streets chatting and enjoying themselves, not this shit. Needless to say I will not be returning.

Tonight we will sit by the river, which our hostel backs onto and watch all the boats go by. I'll drink some water, we will play some cards and the world will be at peace. Tomorrow Roni and I will be heading to Koh Chang to lie on a beach and soak up some sea breezing atmosphere - bliss.

I will leave you all with a few pictures, 2 of my girls and I before the carnage of the Full Moon party and one of a bridge in Bangkok. Enjoy!

Thirza and I.

Kai and I.

The bridge in Bangkok lit up by lights, ain't it pretty?

Big Ocean crossing love ya'll!!

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